About this blog


I am an eater and I am always hungry. Currently, I am in New York City where I finished my doctoral dissertation on food and contemporary French literature in September 2012. I’m not sure where my path will lead me now, but after spending so much time reading about fine wine and foie gras, it’s hard not to crave the good life. Sometimes I get called too picky, but I object: I am adventurous and will to try anything so long as it comes from the heart and is made with love and care.

I come from a family of eaters. My mother would drive three hours to Chicago to satisfy her big city cravings for dim sum and roast duck. While he was in school in New York, my father would double and triple up on meals in between rounds so as to not miss a thing. He still does this to this day when he comes to visit. I have inherited my parents’ patience, persistence, and perseverance. They serve me well in the hunt for the best and the tastiest, even when it drives my friends nuts.

A researcher by nature, I love to read and learn. I started French at 11. At 14, I went to France for the first time to study abroad in Brittany. That experience was a revelation. When I had the opportunity to live in France as an adult, it was a dream. I was lucky to land a cooking internship with a chef and former culinary school instructor during my time in Paris. That ended up being a good complement to the wine education I got giving tasting lessons at a New York wine store and bar.

I am also a former vegetarian. From the ages of 12 to 24, I led a plant, dairy, and cheese-fueled existence until Italy and its seductive air-dried ham put an end to that. I still credit those years of vegetarianism for making me fearless about eating all kinds of weird fruits and vegetables.

In all honesty, I love it all.

I have prepared all this food. I like recipes and will always give credit where credit’s due. The photographs are mine as well. This blog is meant to be a convivial place to share my culinary thoughts and travels with you.

To those who have humored me, accompanied me, eaten, drank, and have been hungover with me, this blog is dedicated to you.

(and a special thanks to Sharon for encouraging me to write more about myself)

49 thoughts on “About this blog

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you so much! I am really enjoying your blog too (I absolutely love the name of it).

      It’s so great how these things can put you in touch with cool people all around the world. Thanks again for reading, and for all the support!

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you! Taking pictures of food is fun. Sometimes when I look at the photos from the very beginning of this blog, I cringe a little (bad lighting, bad styling, to much contrast). Just like writing and fine wines, photo-taking improves over time 🙂

      But thank you so much for dropping by! And thanks for the comment!

  1. scroungelady

    Hey lady! Thanks for checking my blog. Whether you decide to pursue food or French or both after receiving your degree, the key to happiness is following your passion. You will know when it is right for you.

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you for checking out my blog! I love yours; you have such a clear writing voice and such a fun attitude about life, food, and motorcycles!

      Thanks too for the support. I am starting to feel pressure all around from everyone about what I am going to do afterwards. Everyone but, strangely, my parents. My mom and dad are the most supportive people in the world, and I feel super lucky to have them!

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you!

      I think your blog is terrific too. You never fail to make me laugh and make me hungry — the winning-est combination of all!

      I am going to get on this straight-away! I think that I get a little paralyzed thinking about who I would like to nominate because there are so many amazing bloggers out there. You really inspire me to just do it. Thank you!

      and yes, yours is the only one that counts 🙂

  2. Carine

    I had found your blog and happily followed it but had not read the about page yet. Quel parcours intéressant vous avez ! I bet I will enjoy your posts 🙂
    Thanks for visiting my little blog!

  3. emmycooks

    I hope your dissertation is going well! Do you need a care package to help fuel you as you work? If you send your address to emmycooksblog at gmail I might get my act together to send a care package your way. 🙂 (Then again, I might just make it and leave it sitting on my counter for a month. But hopefully not.)

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thanks, Emmy! What a kind and sweet offer! It’s been kind of overwhelming lately, it’s true. The only thing I can say is that I can’t wait for this thing to be over. There is only about a month to go, so this is the big push!

      I sent you a personal email thanks at gmail too. You are the sweetest!

  4. Sue

    Hi! My name is Sue, and I’m from SlimKicker, a diet/fitness app and online website. I saw your blog today and it captured my interest!

    I’m contacting you b/c we’re about to release a fitness tracker (similar to FitBit) early next year, and are looking for bloggers who would be interested in receiving 1 for free to review when it is out (negative or positive).

    Would you be interested in doing this? You can email me at: sue (at) slimkicker (com) with ‘Review’ in the email heading if you are.

    A brief explanation of who we are, our online website SlimKicker basically turns your diet/fitness goals into a fun level-up game. The tracker will work in conjunction the website, and allow people to track calories burned and number of steps they walk automatically. The more they exercise, the more points they rack up! That’s basically how it will work.

    Anyway, hope to hear back either way…

    – Sue
    P.S. You can choose not to approve this comment as this is more of a private comment 🙂

  5. Jadi Campbell

    Okay, a “dissertation on food and contemporary French literature”? I have to know more! What is your slant, food in literature or food as literature, or literature as food, or filled with foodie quotes? The Germans like to say, “to dine like God in France”. All the best to you, —Jadi

    • baconbiscuit212

      Hi Jadi, Thank you for the kind words and kind comments! I look at culinary-oriented contemporary French literature, a big mouthful that basically means that I focus on studying the ways in which cuisine can be used as a metaphor or as an allegory for the creative process. As such, the works I study all tend to be “autobiographical,” or rather writings of the self.

      Um, your eyes just glazed over, didn’t they 😉

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