Mustard-Butter Chicken and Roasted Savoy Cabbage

Thank you, Hannah!
I cannot take credit for this meal; that distinction belongs to the amazing Hannah over at Inherit the Spoon. For about a year now (or maybe it has been longer — I’m getting forgetful), I have been following this her adventures in life and in the kitchen. I have admired her commitment to eating local, and providing a nutritious and delicious table for her family.

Recently, she published recipes for roasted Savoy cabbage and mustard-butter chicken. The minute I read them, I knew that I had to make them soon.

The meal was incredible and incredibly easy. If I wasn’t smitten with Hannah’s blog before, I definitely am now!

As I cannot write better than Hannah herself, I will direct you to her post here for step-by-step instructions on how to prepare both the cabbage and the chicken. I agree with Hannah that you should take your time and let the cabbage get dark and crispy; it really is best that way.

Thank you, Hannah!

29 thoughts on “Mustard-Butter Chicken and Roasted Savoy Cabbage

  1. Hannah

    Daisy! I am so honored – and your photo looks incredible! I’m so glad that you tried this one and loved it as much as we did. And we are smitten with your blog, too. Happy cabbage roasting! Xo

  2. laniersmith

    Now I am not a cabbage lover, BUT if it were served up to me like this I might just dive in. Looks and sounds great. Just goes to show you that a new approach to something you may not like can change your point of view…and taste buds on the way there.

  3. emmycooks

    What a good reminder that I’ve been meaning to make this dish with salmon instead of chicken. Your photo is a mouthwatering incentive! And you couldn’t be more right about Hannah’s sweet blog. 🙂

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you, Emmy! It’s hard to take a bad photo of roasted cabbage; it’s just so nice and frilly! I imagine that this would be amazing with salmon too. Let us know how it goes when you try it!

  4. brie

    This looks fantastic…with my European roots I am a big fan of cabbage in all forms! I must try this one out!
    And thank you, my dear Daisy, for introducing me to such a wonderful blog…Hannah’s family pictures warm my heart 🙂 !!
    Enjoy the day and stay warm (which won’t be an easy feat today!)

    • baconbiscuit212

      Thank you, Brie! Cabbage is great, isn’t it? But then again, there are very few vegetables that I won’t eat. And most of the time, it’s because of how the vegetables are prepared and not the vegetables themselves. Hannah’s blog is great, isn’t it? It never fails to make me smile!

      I hope that you had a good day too! It’s freezing out there!

      • brie

        Must share this with you…my son just looked at the picture and typical of a pre-teen said “do not make that for us!” Ironically, out of my three he is my fruit/veggie eater!
        Spent the whole morning shoveling snow off the driveway…would have LOVED to come inside and eat mustard chicken and cabbage 🙂 !!

        • baconbiscuit212

          Aw! Kids have the craziest eating habits and reasons for and against eating this and that. I have a friend who taught at a school in Harlem for some kind of nutrition program. She said that the kids were nuts about raw broccoli. I guess because it grossed their parents out. Isn’t that crazy?

          And my parents are vegetable-averse. My father much more than my mother. And I rebelled by becoming a vegetarian for over a decade!

    • baconbiscuit212

      I hadn’t thought of it before until I saw Hannah’s post either! The nice, charred bits are a little bit like kale chips, but crispier and more delicate. Delicious! Next time, I am going to roast the cabbage for longer, or slice differently so that I get more browning.

  5. rubyandwheaky

    Roasted cabbage sounds soooooo delectable! Can’t wait to try it. I’ve been adding shredded cabbage to stir fry lately which is very tasty also. Cabbage seems to be plentiful and cheap. We should find more yummy ways to prepare it other than coleslaw and New England boiled dinner.

  6. frugalfeeding

    Very good! I’ve never thought of roasting cabbage, an interesting prospect – I’d probably prefer to shower it with butter and pan fry it. Still, it sounds yum and that chicken looks good!

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